I Made It

posted by acebiggaveli


Through all the struggles I have came from the bottom to the top
With no intention to ever stop
Just want to climb the ladder and bring everyone that believes in me
The day when we can all say that we made it will be our victory
I was once told that every dark night there will always be a brighter day
But with this flash light I will get through every night, and use these shades just in case the sun wants to slow me down from doing things my way
In all my dreams I've been fighting demons in my sleep
I have always been victorious in all my battles for weeks
I have no respect for anyone that is trying to make me weak
There shouldn't be nothing that I'm afraid of
Because these are what my dreams are made of
With everything that I have been given, I know that my success has no limit
My heart has been strong for this long with no sign of ever getting timid
So hold my hand and climb these stairs so we can see the blue sky
Speak about the truth and open everyone's eyes
For the ones that don't believe in a better life
Believe on me because I won't stop till the day I rise
I have use to this stress to make the man that you see here
That's why when you look in my eyes you will never see any fear
Poetry has become my niche and I just want to become every poets favorite
Just wait soon I will be able to say that I Made It


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